User Guide
  • First create your account in our POS system by signing in with your Google Account.
  • Then choose CREATE A NEW ONE for a new company. If not use your company name which is the same as your google account name to login : "[your_google_acc_name] company"
  • First go to the Locations tab and create a new Location aka branch for your restaurant.
  • Go to the Menu Category tab and create a new Menu Category.
  • Go to the Addon Category tab and create a new Addon Category.
  • Then you can create Addon, Menu item in respective tabs.
  • Please test CRUD(Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations in all tabs.
  • After that go to Tables tab and create a new table. If you create successfully, you will get a QR code which will take you to Order App where you can make orders
  • Restaurant Managers & Owners can monitor and manage the incoming orders in Order tab in BackOffice App.